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package com.sxt.dao.impl;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.List;import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanHandler;
import org.apache.commons.dbutils.handlers.BeanListHandler;import com.sxt.bean.Goods;
import com.sxt.dao.GoodsDao; import com.sxt.util.JDBCUtil; import com.sxt.util.PageBean;public class GoodsDaoImpl implements GoodsDao {
@Overridepublic PageBean findGoods(String gname, String pStart, String pEnd, String dStart, String dEnd, String gstatus,int page,int rows) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from goods where 1=1"; if (null != gname && !"".equals(gname)) { sql += " and gname like '%" + gname + "%'"; } if (null != pStart && !"".equals(pStart)) { sql += " and gprice >= " + pStart + ""; } if (null != pEnd && !"".equals(pEnd)) { sql += " and gprice <= " + pEnd + ""; } //注意日期格式化 if (null != dStart && !"".equals(dStart)) { sql += " and DATE_FORMAT(prodate,'%Y-%m-%d') >= '" + dStart + "'"; } if (null != dEnd && !"".equals(dEnd)) { sql += " and DATE_FORMAT(prodate,'%Y-%m-%d') <= '" + dEnd + "'"; } if (null != gstatus && !"".equals(gstatus)) { sql += " and gstatus = " + gstatus + ""; } String fysql="select count(1) from("+sql+") a"; sql+=" order by gid desc limit "+(page-1)*rows+","+rows; //查询一共多条记录 ResultSet rs = JDBCUtil.query(fysql); int total=0; if(rs.next()){ total=rs.getInt(1); } Listgs = new BeanListHandler (Goods.class).handle(JDBCUtil.query(sql)); PageBean pb = new PageBean(); pb.setTotal(total); pb.setRows(gs); JDBCUtil.close(); return pb;}@Overridepublic boolean delGoods(String gid) throws Exception { String sql = "delete from goods where gid = " + gid; int i = JDBCUtil.update(sql); if (i > 0) { return true; } return false;}@Overridepublic boolean saveGoods(Goods g) throws Exception { int i = 0; if (g != null) { String sql = ""; if (g.getGid() != null) { // 修改 sql += "update goods set gname=?,gprice=?,gnum=?,prodate=?,gaddr=?,gtel=?,gstatus=?,gurl=? where gid=?"; i = JDBCUtil.update(sql, g.getGname(), g.getGprice(), g.getGnum(), g.getProdate(), g.getGaddr(), g.getGtel(), g.getGstatus(), g.getGurl(), g.getGid()); } else { // 新增 sql += "insert into goods values(null,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; i = JDBCUtil.update(sql, g.getGname(), g.getGprice(), g.getGnum(), g.getProdate(), g.getGaddr(), g.getGtel(), g.getGstatus(), g.getGurl()); } } if (i > 0) { return true; } return false;}@Overridepublic Goods findGoodsById(String gid) throws Exception { String sql = "select * from goods where gid = " + gid; ResultSet rs = JDBCUtil.query(sql); BeanHandler bh = new BeanHandler (Goods.class); Goods g = bh.handle(rs); JDBCUtil.close(); return g;}